Regional Flood and Coastal Committees

Southern RFCC
Southern RFCC covers coastal and inland areas from the Thames barrier to the New Forest – with London boroughs, large counties and a number of unitary city authorities among our members. We receive among the largest amounts of government money of any region (£100m this year) and deliver more property protection than any other region. We also have internationally important aquatic habitats such as the chalk streams and sea kelp.
By most measures we have the largest coastline in Britain with high risk of coastal flooding and erosion, and we also face also major issues with flooding from surface and ground water and from smaller rivers.
We’re committed to reducing flood and coastal risk in our area, making communities more resilient and adapting to the challenges of a changing climate. We can’t do this without our RFCC members. By joining our committee, you can help us achieve these goals.
We’re looking for candidates who:
- have an active interest in flood and coastal risk management
- can represent the interests of communities across our region
- come from a diverse range of backgrounds
- are impartial and not representatives of any particular organisation
You don’t have to be a technical expert or have specific qualifications to be a member. It’s your enthusiasm and commitment to your local community that is most important. However, interest or experience in the following areas would be useful in the role:
- local community flood forums or action groups
- climate change and associated flood risk
- spatial planning, engineering, transport or construction
- business and economics
- asset management
- managing resilience and recovery
- conservation
- farming and land management
Our vacancies and how to apply
We have 2 vacancies, one for a coastal member, and one for a general member.
You can apply using our simple online application form. Explain why you’re interested in being an independent RFCC member and what you think you would bring to the role. Mention your skills and experience. You should also mention any specific qualifications or experience that relate to the role specialism.
The closing date to apply is 15 December 2024.
Vacancy 1 – independent member, coastal
We are looking for an independent member with an interest in coastal processes, including flood and coastal erosion risks present at the coast. This role starts on 1 July 2025
It will help if you have interest in or knowledge of:
- the southern coastline
- recent and emerging policies and procedures relevant to coastal management
- wider issues affecting coastal communities
Vacancy 2 – independent member, general
We are looking for a general independent member. This role starts on 1 September 2025.