Your career development will be safe in our hands with excellent training and learning opportunities to help you progress. These include our apprenticeship schemes and an array of personal and professional development options. We never stop learning at the Environment Agency and this is reflected in everything that we do.
Training & Development
Individual performance plans, learning and development matched to your agreed career objectives and progression plans.
A range of training courses, leadership development initiatives and access to L&D materials are available, covering technical, managerial and personal skills.
We offer the opportunity to undertake apprenticeships in your existing role with us or through a career entry apprenticeship opportunity.
Paid leave for exams and revision for approved studies.
We will pay the membership fees for one relevant professional association.

We are proud to have a network of trained coaches to support and bring out the best in all of us.
Whatever your role, we want working at the Environment Agency to be a life-enhancing experience and coaching is one way we can help with this.
We have a network of mentors across the organisation ready to share their own experiences, expertise, resources, skills, perspectives, and attitudes. Positively benefitting their mentees and the organisation by;
- Improving self-confidence
- Improving motivation and job satisfaction
- Enhancing the sharing of knowledge
- Expanding networks
We also have a reverse mentoring scheme and are a member of the 30% mentoring organisation.
Individual Learning Plan

Regular performance and development discussions with your line manager. Individually tailored objectives and encouraged open and honest, two-way feedback to support delivering your best.