Regional Flood and Coastal Committees
Yorkshire RFCC
Yorkshire RFCC runs along the North Sea coast from Whitby to Kingston upon Hull and stretches inland as far as Skipton. Our area covers a diverse geography with over five million residents and makes a substantial contribution to the national economy.
At the same time, it is vulnerable to the risk of flooding from many sources – rivers, surface water, tidal, groundwater – and includes some of Europe’s fastest eroding coastline. The impact of our changing climate is evident across the region with rising sea levels, increased storm frequency and changing wave patterns, meaning that managing coastal change will become an ever-increasing and important challenge.
We’re committed to reducing flood and coastal risk in our area, making communities more resilient and adapting to the challenges of a changing climate. We can’t do this without our RFCC members. By joining our committee, you can help us achieve these goals.
We’re looking for candidates who:
- have an active interest in flood and coastal risk management
- can represent the interests of communities across our region
- come from a diverse range of backgrounds
- are impartial and not representatives of any particular organisation
You don’t have to be a technical expert or have specific qualifications to be a member. It’s your enthusiasm and commitment to your local community that is most important. However, an interest in the following areas would be useful:
- local community flood forums or action groups
- climate change and associated flood risk
- spatial planning, engineering or construction
- business and economics
- asset management
- managing resilience and recovery
- conservation
- farming and land management
Our vacancies and how to apply
“Members of our committee play crucial roles in determining local priorities for investment in flood and coastal risk management. They ensure a joined-up approach among partners and in raising Local Levies. These vacancies offer an exciting opportunity to inform and shape activities across Yorkshire’s catchments, including along the Yorkshire’s East Coast.”
Professor Colin Mellors, Yorkshire RFCC Chair
You can apply by filling out our simple online application form. You can also read more about being part of the Yorkshire RFCC here.
Vacancy 1 – Independent members
We have 1 vacancies for general independent members. This role starts on 1 January 2024. The closing date to apply is 26th November 2023.
Vacancy 2 – Independent members, coastal
We are also looking for an independent member with a coastal background. This role starts on 1 January 2024. The closing date to apply is 26th November 2023.
In addition to the general skills listed above, coastal members should understand:
- coastal and/or estuarine issues and processes
- relevant local plans including shoreline management plans, catchment flood management plans and coastal strategies
- legislation including the Water Framework Directive, the EU Habitats and Birds Directive, the observation of Habitats and Species Regulations (2010) and documents such as the England Biodiversity Strategy